Friday, June 1, 2012

LENS Neurofeedback: It Isn't Magic, But It Is Miraculous!

LENS Neurofeedback: It Isn't Magic, But It Is Miraculous!

I continue to be amazed at the quickly-realized and profound changes patients are experiencing in their lives with LENS treatments.

The principle of healing that underlies LENS is consistent with that of chiropractic and other holistic forms of therapy. The true miracle of the body is that it is self-regulating and self-healing; that the mind/body is genetically hardwired for homeostasis (balance), and wants to be healthy. LENS taps into that potential, using 'small doses of brainwave biofeedback carried on wisps of electromagnetic fields', to catalyze change, inviting the brain to restore and optimize its function.

A healthy, balanced and regulated central nervous system (CNS) produces the right brainwave, with the associated neurochemistry, in the right amount, at the right time, for any given circumstance. A dysfunctional brain does not.

Scientists believe that the brain's defense against significant stressors and trauma creates neural gridlock and CNS dysregulation. Communication and connectivity within the brain is impaired. This, in turn, creates dysfunctional brainwave patterns and neurochemistry-- creating constellations of symptoms. These manifest as a variety of chronic functional neurological problems.

1. Mood disturbances: emotional lability, depression or anxiety, irritability, anger,    explosive behavior.
2. Energy depletion: lethargy, chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia
3. Chronic pain: localized or generalized, including headaches and muscle spasms.
4. Sleep disorders: from sleep onset to nocturnal awakenings, to daytime sleepiness.
5. Cloudy Sensorium: mental fogginess; the world seems inaccessible/far away
6. Memory Problems: forgetfulness, short and long-term disturbances.
7. Cognitive Problems: regarding clarity, focus, planning, sequencing, and/or organizing.
8. Problems initiating behavior and pursuing to completion, procrastination, indecision.

LENS treatment is not diagnosis-based, but is effective in treating the symptoms described above, as associated with a dysfunctional, dysregulated brain.

LENS has a more broad-spectrum effect. For instance, it doesn't treat Autism, ADHD or Tourette's, but can be very effective in decreasing or removing any accompanying anxiety, depression, irritabililty, insomnia, anger, etc.. This, in turn, can dramatically improve the patient's life. And, in some cases of Tourettes, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, and more, LENS seemingly helps resolve the problem.

In addition to functional brain problems, LENS can help in cases of structural brain problems as well: cases where the patient has incurred physical damage to the brain itself. I have worked with a patient with an anoxic brain injury; showing slow, but steady improvement; and another patient with severe MS, significantly improving her ability to communicate

Clearly, these cases take more time and progress can be slow, but for some there is help and hope.

As best I can figure, Len Ochs, the creator of LENS has figured out how to speak to the brain in its own electromagnetic language, using the energy of the brain itself to optimize its own function.

As a practitioner, my experience has been that LENS isn't magic,but it is miraculous!


Ce Eshelman, LMFT said...

I agree that neurofeedback is the best thing that has happened to psychotherapy in 50 years. Lens, of course, is not the only type. I use BrainPaint and find it amazing. I am glad you are getting the word out. So many people can heal with this science.

Check out my website:

Seattle chiropractor said...

My trial version of LENS didn't work as well as my doctor hoped, but he suggested some various other types of neural feedback, so I'll let you know what happens.

docmay said...

I have about an 80% success rate with patients, most noticing significant improvement within 6 sessions. I can't predict who it will, or will not, help and I am confounded when it doesn't work.

With that said, I don't have a lot of time to see if it will help as most patients only allow for 6 visits as a trial.